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Network Optimization

Is your network slow?  Are staff complaining that connections keep dropping or they can’t get on the internet?   Every network needs careful design and as companies grow it’s not just a simple matter of plugging in extra computers and buying a faster internet connection.

The more people you have on your network, the more issues and bottlenecks that can reduce performance. We are experts in network design and networking equipment configuration.  Let us evaluate your current network and come up with a plan to ensure your staff can work as efficiently as possible. It may be as simple as a router not configured correctly, or too many computers for your current networking equipment.

As well as speed, how secure is your network?  We are experts in network security. Let us help you ensure no one can get unauthorized access to any of your data, either malicious users from the outside, or accidental exposure internally.

Finally how much time are staff on Facebook, YouTube, Spotify or other sites.  We can help you be in charge of what is available and what you consider acceptable. Are your systems slowing down because everyone is sharing the cute puppy video? We can fix this so it doesn't interfere with work.

Just like a car, networks need maintenance and checking periodically.  Contact us and we can schedule time to come in and check your network and everything connected are working correctly.

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