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As business owners we all understand our success is based on the team we surround ourselves with.  At TAG IT we view ourselves as business partners, not just simply service providers.


Our goal is always to provide our customers the most cost effective solution for your current needs.  This way as we help you grow, so our business grows.


If we do our job right you can forget about IT and focus on what you do best.  


About Us.

We are unique.  Unlike most IT service providers we are not just former IT support staff providing support and fixes. Our team includes degreed software design engineers and IT managers that previously managed large internal IT organizations.  Many of our staff got their starts in Silicon Valley, were competition is fierce and if you're not on the top of your game you don't survive.


Being on the receiving end of IT support services ourselves, we believed there was a better way to provide IT support to clients.  We view our clients as our partners and our goal is to make you successful by creating IT systems that help you grow your business .  We work hard to make sure your computers never fail, working silently in the background, constantly fixing small issues before you even realize there is a problem.  Our ultimate goal is that you forget we are even there and 100% of your time is focused on your business.  


In addition to IT support our software engineering staff provide Business Intelligence solutions to create custom software to give you an unfair advantage over your competition.


Contact us and see what a different kind of IT Support service can do for your business.

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